Schmittel IT Systems

Managed Services

Your IT infrastructure in our hands.

The requirements for IT in companies are growing rapidly due to regular updates and new features. Rely on a partner who actively supports your company in ensuring that your IT remains up to date. This allows you to focus on the issues that make you successful.

Managed Services


Normally, you hire an IT service provider to take care of your IT infrastructure on an as-needed basis, and you subsequently receive the invoice. The exact costs for you and for us can rarely be estimated and often lead to surprises. Even in an emergency, you suddenly no longer have access to your IT because of hardware failures or software errors. The entire procedure is often lengthy and leads to significant delays.

Managed Services are the alternative to keep your IT running smoothly and allow your employees to focus on your core business. We agree on a contract based on a selected scope of services. We regularly take care of your IT, such as updates, hardware checks and help your employees. You know that your IT is in good hands and have an exact monthly overview of the costs. An optimal situation for you and for us.

Planbare kosten Managed Service
Thanks to our managed services, you always know how many costs you will incur.
Monitoring der IT und OT Systeme
Through our maintenance and monitoring, your systems are always up to date.
IT Experten
Our trained experts ensure the smooth functioning of your IT.

Managed Server:

Servers are often the core of your IT infrastructure. Professional server operation, whether you have it on-site or have moved it to the cloud, ensures that your business runs without problems. To guarantee this, with "Managed Server" we offer you the option of having your servers regularly monitored by us and kept up to date. We take care of user rights, regular application updates as well as the right licensing - all in one package for a fixed monthly price!


More about Managed Server

Managed Clients:

There are a variety of devices in a company, such as laptops, smartphones or tablets. So that your employees do not have to worry about problems with your devices, we offer you the "Managed Client" service. We will take care of your notebooks, desktop PCs or other devices so that you have fewer disruptions in your operations. We guarantee that your devices are always running at the latest level and are proactively monitored to prevent problems. In case of a problem, we are of course available for you and your employees - all for a fixed, monthly price!


More about Managed Clients

Managed Network:

In order for your employees to work on your computers without any problems, the network has to work, otherwise your business will come to a standstill. Our "Managed Network" service ensures that your network runs smoothly. And in the event of a failure, the faults should be eliminated within the shortest possible time. With replacement equipment, constantly backed-up configurations and our proactive management, we make sure your network is always up and running.


More about Managed Network

Managed Security:

Firewalls guarantee protection against cyberattacks of your corporate IT infrastructure. Therefore, this component needs certain requirements to be able to guarantee a full range of functions. Regular control and maintenance are a guarantee that your IT is always well protected against attacks. Our "Managed IT-Security" service offers the full range of functions: we administer, monitor, update and configure your IT security solutions. In addition, you can receive regular reports from us about your IT network - all in one package for a fixed monthly price.


More about Managed Security

Are you looking for competent and professional maintenance for your IT?

Then talk to our experts!